Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Just checking In

Been busy implementing everything I mention on the blogs for the next Mystic Nation release, very time consuming but well worth it. I shall be back on blogging about resources very shortly as I have found even more in the process of this new release.

Back to practicing what i preach :)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

For Your Submission - podcastnyc

"Podcast NYC encourages the submission of music submission by independent artists who own their material."

Never hurts to get your music out to as many as possible...


More podact and webcast stuff to come, as they are far more likely to work with the little guy!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Expose Yourself ! - All Access Magazine

A new highlight of my blog is to research online and print magazines in a new feature called Expose Yourself! Keep your clothes on, it's about music :)
