Monday, March 31, 2008

Expose Yourself! - It isn't about luck

So a new guerrilla martketing tactic I am going to share is one that I started about 1 hour ago and already has provided enough traffic to move us from 36 to 21 on the charts, in one hour.

It's the most powerful FREE marketing weapon on the planet, well it appears that way.


Not those untalkative myspace friends who won't lift a finger for you. I am talking about your inner circle. And how is this Now craft a nice message to your friends with a link provided to your website or your EPK...send it to all your friends that you know love to share messages with their friends...are you seeing a pattern emerging...ahh haaaa

Exponential growth of people exposed to your music. Now my theory is still in it's test phase, but the way i figure by the time you hit the 7th degree of separation(Kevin Bacon), and everyone passed to at least 5 people, by the 7th degree you would have been exposed to 17,878,525...Now thats exposing yourself!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Myspace that Matters :

I wouldn't call myspace the mecca of all places to get exposure for music, and sometimes it all comes down to saturation, actually with myspace it really is all about whoring the music out and hopefully a few people along the way become fans, which seems to be the case. Interacting with the fan base is crucial though, not just adding friends for friends sake. I have made some great contacts with myspace so i can't really knock it...

so another site that works cool is

Pick your best track and use the message board and comment away with it! Don't do a thousand to your fan base is enough. After that go to highly saturated sites and leave a comment...not a lot of comments on one site, one comment per site and schedule to do this as you have the free time. Also, pick artist sites that are related to your one cares about folk on a Hip Hop site!