Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resource of the Day - Broadtexter.com

This is a very clever tool for broadcast messaging your fan base to their phones. Just another way to reach out and touch someone. Here is our widget:

Here are some of the sites you can embed:

Myspace Profile, Myspace Bulletin, Myspace Blog, Facebook Profile, Facebook Pages
Orkut, Blogger, TypePad, Friendster, Tagged, LiveSpaces, Freewebs, Zorpia
BlackPlanet, Xanga, Tagworld, Piczo, Multiply, Your Website (easy)

Choose one of the sites to the left to display your widget code and directions for posting. You can post your widget on any number of places. The more people that see it the more subscribers you'll get.

Checkout broadtexter.com

Monday, December 29, 2008

Go Live - Lighten Up the Stage

New Post type called Go Live. This type of post will relate to all things that I have found helpful in putting on the best live show.

As we approach the New Years Eve show one of the things that came to mind was to put on a show that extends beyond what we normally do for our fans. As only the set really changes over the course of the year we thought there must be a way to do something on the cheap yet extend the experience.

So a few thoughts on improving a live show from just beyond the normal house lights.

1. Hmmmmm, what holiday just passed that involves lots of lights? recycling your Christmas lights into the stage show can go a long way in a very cost effective manner.

2. Guitar center has a section of lights that can be a great resource to get ideas for retro fitting lamps or buying one of their low end lights. Usually they start around $27. Over time just adding 2 more to your line up each month can really begin to add character. Also, look into getting a DMX controller which can really add to your show and remove a need for someone else running the lights.

3. Something I did a ways back that really worked in a previous band was to put together a video mantage and string it across a few old tube TVs, color and black and white. Tube tvs are littering the planet, I gurantee these will be easy to find. I did this with ease on VHS, so I am sure, if you have a computer, putting this together onto a DVD will be a piece of cake. I combined this with my white christmas lights and the result was a very theatrical, low budget stage show.

In the end, challenge yourself and your live show. You rehearse to sound good, so why not put that same creative energy in how you present yourself. Subtle things can make a big difference and by no means am I suggesting a strobe light for a folk act...this is where your creative energy comes into play.

Monday, December 15, 2008

For Your Submission: 2009 - Picking up the pace.

So with the 2009 year looking to be the most active year in both d and Mystic Nation, i can assure you that there will be many more resources utilized and blogged upon. It is amazing to see the effect many of these tools have had on our progress and the exposure the tools have brought has been worth the efforts.

This year's focus.

1. Expanding the live show. Now that we are doing roughly 54 shows a year, give or take a few, the next phase is going to focus on the live show. Larger events, more stage tuning. Look for blogs on this process.

2. Marketing expansion. Many of the posts so far have focused on a wide range of tools. Some will work better than others for all types of scenarios. What works for us, might not work for you. This is why I focus on a wide spectrum of online resources rather than just the ones I have had complete success with.

3. Studio tips and tricks. Being that Mystic Nation is going back into the studio i am more than sure there will be many more posts on the subject.

These appear to be the main three focal points moving forward as I hone the old blogging skills and bring you the resources that hopefully will make being a struggling artist/band a little more easy.

Good Luck and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

d and proof in the pudding...having belief...

I am in a band d and over the last few years we have been using many of the tools listed here as a means of pushing our music out into the world with little to no resources.
d recently went on to win a talent event that involved many artists across many genres of music. Initially we were very sceptical and honestly did not really intend to enter this event.

The good news is we decided to give it a chance realizing that any exposure is good exposure.

The sum of the story is had we chosen not to participate in the event we would not have been given the exposure in front of record comapnies and grammy award winning producers, and all sorts of other contacts within the music business. Not to mention that had we not entered the event, our band would not have won and we would not have received a guest performing appeaance on HBOs hit Entourage in the upcoming season.

Lesson learned. Taking risks and putting yourself out there is all a part of the game. Now if I could only maintain this blog better!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Resource of the Day - Elektrolab

Found this site which had a great list of links related to the Indy band experience. Check them out,you might find them useful. Regardless, it is always a good idea to have that resource notebook in process at all times. Check it out at www.elektrolab.com

My resource notebook is all stored in an excel document with each tab representing different aspects of the business. Usually just have website address, contact name if Applicable with phone number and email, as well as a notes box to track my latest interaction with that resource and the result. It is simple and basic, and at the core....ORGANIZED!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Promotion: The Power of the Koozie...

Yes I have been gone since October 1st, such is life, but life is good. d and Mystic Nation are in full swing either live and in the studio, but this blog has gone by the way side...NO MORE!!!! I am revived and ready to help find more resources for the artist to help them strive in the music industry...and it remains FREE! Not even a sales pitch! Of course resources are more than welcome to advertise across my sites :)

If you have been using most of the resources on this blog to help your band while i was out and about, chances are you were too busy too read this blog in the first place, so let's get back on track shall we.

Today's promotional tactic....the Koozie. It's that little piece of neoprene that keeps beverages cold and also becomes a traveling advertisement. Having just gone through a whole box in 2 shows flat, I can only say these are very popular. And far more useful as well. We went with the collapsable Koozie first round, makes it easier to lug to shows and for people to take home. A little more flimsy than a standard Koozie, but hey they can always come back to another show if they break theirs :)...which is the point of it all anyway.

When designing the Koozie art...keep it simple...band name or logo and in small print beneath your website address(minus the http://)

If you get quoted by your printer over $140 at a 100 quantity, email me and I will get you some info on a great online tool for low inventory purchases.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Recording - Mastering.

Once you get something recorded I highly recommend getting your works mastered. This adds such a level of quality when put in the right hands. Rather than give a long winded blog on my take on the mastering process I found a very well written article online by The G-Man at Music Biz Academy

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Resource of the Day - Your Local Artists

So you have your CD recorded and are pondering how to bring it all together with a great representation for your marketing purposes. In addition to the photography you will probably want to get done, the other qquestion is how to get some CD art without breaking the bank.

The first option is to check with any of your artistic friends would be interested. This can often be the least expensive way of getting some artwork for the CD cover.

Another option, which also benefits a new artists portfolio as well, is to go to the local college and ask the art professors if they have any artists interested in a project for their portfolios. You can also just post a flyer at the local college as well. In most creative pursuits surrounding low budget options this is a great way to benefit yourself and a budding artist. This can also be applied to marketing and photography.

Your Local college is a HUGE resource for resources and no budget.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Myspace That Matters

I am starting a new thread to weed out the BS and post significant myspace connections, well ones that I feel serve a different purpose than the self serving I love myself type myspaces out there.

The new thread is Myspace That Matters.

Todays link was provided in the For Your Submission blog post...


A review service, and this is their myspace.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For your Submission - Copyright

So Mystic Nation just finished up the recording process of What Makes Rust and the master is leaving for the duplication process. Many things must now happen. But before all else, it's time to copyright that beautiful gem we have just completed, and the joy is it is one of the cheaper things to do, $45 currently as of July 1, 2006.

The US government actually makes this one easy just visit:
Sound Recording Copyright

If you want to be smart about all this copyright stuff and get a great handle on the lay of the land here are some useful links to educate yourself to near lawyer status.

Taking the mystery out of Copyright
Frequently Asked Questions

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Resource of the Day - Myxer

It has been a little while since I have found a resource of the day....here ya go...

Myxer is a company that allows you to create, share and sell your ringtones and wallpapers. I am going to be making a What Makes Rust wallpaper shortly to test their platform. Fun stuff indeed!


As they say "Mobilize your stuff"

Send wallpaper
Mobilized By Myxer

Thursday, August 28, 2008

For Your Submission - Music Gorilla

Play your music for the record labels, hell why not!

Music Gorilla

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Expose Yourself! - FizzKicks.com

So this is a very interesting idea for getting your songs to the masses at your shows or if you are walking down the street talking to someone and they ask what you sound like. Instead of giving away a CD give them a music card they can use to down. Now my take on this is you can use it as a way to peak some curiousity and lead the horse to water. If they like the one track they bought using the card, they might be more likely to purchasde so more. I am thinking great online POS type of concept.



Haven't had the chance to upload songs but our future fizzkicks site went up
Mystic Nation FizzKicks site

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For Your Submission - 75orLess.com

This is a chance to get reviewed. One of the more difficult things to get done with a CD project, yet so crucial to adding valid press to your Press Kit.

75orLess.com is a site that will sum up your CD within 75 words or less, 2 letters or less do not count as words!

To be considered send your CD to

ATTN: Reviews
23 Laurel Lane
Warren, RI 02885


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Resource of the Day! : Promote on the Internet

Ah the internet is such a powerful weapon for the artist with a limited budget. I have found another great, in depth, resource for promoting your music via internet radio...check it out...

The Music Biz Bookstore

Happy Reading!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Resource of the Day - flashrock.com

The band d that I am in recently performed a webcast for these guys. Great group of people and a great source of exposure. In the spirit of this blog, Flashrock is a musicians helping musicians experience, and they are very cool in the process of helping out. They get an insane amount of views each month so the exposure is worth it. They also provide a lot of other tools for the common musican.

Check it Out


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

For Your submission - GoGirlMusic.com

This is for all the ladies out there

"GoGirlsMusic.com, the oldest & largest online community of indie women in music. Now's your chance to get heard by top indie music movers and shakers and win cash, prizes and prestige!"


Sunday, June 22, 2008

For Your Submission - PayPlay.fm

Submit your songs in MP3 format for purchase for any player.


Friday, June 13, 2008

For Your Submission - Scoutr

Well EMI has put out a website that allows bands to be reviewed and subjected to the public. As tehy put it...

"Scoutr is Angel's online A&R portal where you can send us your own demos and also check out your competition by listening to the tracks others have sent in."

Register and vote for this track

Then start laoding up your own tunes.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Resource of the Day - FanCorps.com

Build your street team using this cool website.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Resource of the Day

Wowsers has life been hectic, again d is playing up a storm and so much more is going on. A true testimoony to sticking it out and using all the resources at ones disposal. Visit d at dvolume.com

Today's resource comes from the Recording Academy, which by now is something you should be signed up for!


Resourceforce.net Covers a wide range of needs... "Resource Force can assist musicians and recording professionals with home project management/organization, household staffing, moving/relocation, event and party planning, travel, pet care, graphic design and logo development and much more. It's like having a full-time personal assistant at your disposal anytime you need something."

Keep moving forward...and I will not let this much time go between posts!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Resource of the Day - FreeHand

Digital sheet music resource, lots of stuff at their website including a digital sheet music reading tablet....check it out really cool site.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

For Your Submission - Band Radio

Here is a website dedicated to unsigned bands. Submit today!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Resource of the Day - Taxi

Taxi is a website/comapny that puts musicians together with industry needs, check it out, and give me some feedback, I have not personally used them, but am currently looking into using their services. Reminds of sonicbids in a way.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

For Your Submission - Monstervox

This is a interesting site when you submit your songs and people do head to head voting on what they like, and then leave feedback, though not always constructive. If you have thick skin and just want a nother place to get heard, check it out


Friday, April 25, 2008

Resource of The Day - Craigslist.com

Craigslist is basically a large classfieds site, but its a great place to meet other musicians and to find gear and other music related items.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Resource of the Day - Google Ad words

If you have a minimal budget, this is a great way to drive traffic to your website based on certain key words that you provide. There is a wealth of information and help in using the system. I would suggest starting of using the basic system and grow into using all the other tools like traffic analysis and custom keyword control.

Google Ad Words

Monday, April 21, 2008

For your Submission - SnoCap

It is a safe assumption that you have a myspace by now, instead of just getting plays for your songs, might as well sell them as well. This is a great feature because it is a point fo sale right where people are listening to your music, a true no brainer.

The link for this one is in you admin view in myspace, make sure you look for the link.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Expose Yourself! - It isn't about luck

So a new guerrilla martketing tactic I am going to share is one that I started about 1 hour ago and already has provided enough traffic to move us from 36 to 21 on the charts, in one hour.

It's the most powerful FREE marketing weapon on the planet, well it appears that way.


Not those untalkative myspace friends who won't lift a finger for you. I am talking about your inner circle. And how is this achieved...email. Now craft a nice message to your friends with a link provided to your website or your EPK...send it to all your friends that you know love to share messages with their friends...are you seeing a pattern emerging...ahh haaaa

Exponential growth of people exposed to your music. Now my theory is still in it's test phase, but the way i figure by the time you hit the 7th degree of separation(Kevin Bacon), and everyone passed to at least 5 people, by the 7th degree you would have been exposed to 17,878,525...Now thats exposing yourself!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Myspace that Matters : reverbnation.com

I wouldn't call myspace the mecca of all places to get exposure for music, and sometimes it all comes down to saturation, actually with myspace it really is all about whoring the music out and hopefully a few people along the way become fans, which seems to be the case. Interacting with the fan base is crucial though, not just adding friends for friends sake. I have made some great contacts with myspace so i can't really knock it...

so another site that works cool is reverbnation.com

Pick your best track and use the message board and comment away with it! Don't do a thousand bulletins...one to your fan base is enough. After that go to highly saturated sites and leave a comment...not a lot of comments on one site, one comment per site and schedule to do this as you have the free time. Also, pick artist sites that are related to your style...no one cares about folk on a Hip Hop site!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dictatorship vs. The Collective

One thing I find fascinating about the band dynamic is that essentially a band is a collection of "wills" all willing themselves into an end result. This leads to a big soup of chaos and often times complete destruction of an otherwise friendly and enriching journey as musicians.

Over the years I have experienced several different variations of the "Collapse". That place where the band hits a certain plateau and then falls flat on it's face, often times right before an ascension in some form of progress or direction. One thing I will cover in a different post is what sadly can be seen as the fear of success, and it seems to be a very strong trait amongst musicians.

From the outset I have a very strong opinion that a band must decide whether it falls under the "will" of a dictatorship, or if it can flurish in the realm of the collective. The dictatorship is an understanding that the creative force in the band drives the decisions and asks, but is not guranteed, complete band participation. The collective is an agreement amongst all members (to the point of a written agreement) that every member shares equal share, and ever member participates in every process, with equal energy.

Over the next two days I will dissect each in it's own entirity, with a rant on the good side and the pains of both sides of the fence. I have my preference, but before adding any influence either way, I will try my best to share my objective obersavations of each.

Monday, February 4, 2008

For Your Submission : musicSUBMIT

More internet marketing and radio exposure, the more you get out there the better chance you have of getting heard. Hate to pound it into ones skull...but eventually that logic will sink in.

According to their text "Music SUBMIT submits your music to genre-specific radio stations, online music magazines, online music directories, blogs, podcasts, indie record labels, and other electronic music media."

Empowering a team to get behind you is always a groovy thing...I will have some feedback once I have seen some results from this site.


Good luck and happy trails!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Resource fo the Day - bandmix.com

Looking for some musicians, bandmix.com is a site dedicated to helping you do just that, as well as help you find a gig if you are looking for one.

Worked for us when we needs some horns for the next release.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Resource of the Day: Twitter.com

Now this is a very interesting concept and was drawn to it because Henry Rollins uses it and found my self rather entertained by his entries. Basically twitter is a site that lets you send a message out to everybody that is viewing you, whether by your phone or through the website.

Just another way to stay in contact with your fan base


Now get twittering!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

For Your Submission : Internet Radio Index

Ok so here is a resource that will take a bit of research and hard effort on your part but the more exposure the better. It is a Internet Radio Index

Check it out

Internet Radio Index

Now get out there and get it done!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well the new year has come and gone, hope all is well with everybody...I look forward to providing many more resources for the band with little resources! I am gathering and researching right now and have much to blog on shortly!