Tuesday, December 9, 2008

d and proof in the pudding...having belief...

I am in a band d and over the last few years we have been using many of the tools listed here as a means of pushing our music out into the world with little to no resources.
d recently went on to win a talent event that involved many artists across many genres of music. Initially we were very sceptical and honestly did not really intend to enter this event.

The good news is we decided to give it a chance realizing that any exposure is good exposure.

The sum of the story is had we chosen not to participate in the event we would not have been given the exposure in front of record comapnies and grammy award winning producers, and all sorts of other contacts within the music business. Not to mention that had we not entered the event, our band would not have won and we would not have received a guest performing appeaance on HBOs hit Entourage in the upcoming season.

Lesson learned. Taking risks and putting yourself out there is all a part of the game. Now if I could only maintain this blog better!

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